Monday, April 29, 2013


We have been using OSB in our organization for some time now , however we recently encounter the DB space issue which is very familiar in SOA.

The table that was consuming most of the space was :
WLI_QS_REPORT_DATA in the SOAINFRA schema (around 50 gb as blob)

This table is primarily used by OSB for maintaining the data for all the requests that came to OSB and the reporting data.

Another table which has the relationship with this table is :

Similar to SOA purge we can purge these tables based on how long we need to keep the data, Which in ideal case is 5-7 days.

The purging can be done from OSB console as well using the "Purge Messages" option at the Message report home page.

I personally prefer purging using the console , the purging happens asynchronously. But if you dont have access to console follow the DB route.

A really nice blog explaining more details about these tables:

Cheers !!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Oracle AIA Installation issues

Here are couple of issues that I faced recently during the AIA Foundation Pack installation.

Issues :
A) Node Manager was not working properly and installation failed , below are the steps I took to make NM working for AIA installation

1. Change Node Manager properties
Update to enable weblogic to support start/stop during AIA installation
Open the

change following properties :

2. set the nodemanager username and password
WebLogic Console ->Domain->Security
like weblogic/welcome1

Make sure you have also placed with user/password in managed server security folder as well.

3. After making these changes I started getting below error : Address already in use: JVM_Bind

I searched all the process and was not able to find any instance of Oracle Weblogic Node Manager running.

After searching more I found :
Oracle Enterprise Pack for Eclipse NodeManager service running

I had to kill this to resolve this issue.

B). Just when I thought I am good to go , during re-installation Installer gave error for MetaData

"MDS already populdated with AIA metadata, please clean up before install"

I had to follow below steps to clean the Metadata:

1. Start wlst -> C:\Oracle\Mid\Oracle_SOA1\common\bin
2. connect()
3. deleteMetadata('soa-infra', 'soa_server1','/apps/AIAMetaData/**')

C) After these settings the installation went smooth.

Just make sure following things :
- Admin + managed server are up and running
- Node manager is up and running , or start from oracle home location like :

- Increase JTA timeout to atleast 120 sec
- I used these settings for 4 GB memory laptop -XX:PermSize=512m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m

You can test the installation using the URL :

D) Post installation ,
1. update Jdeveloper,  download the AIA plugin from update center
Help -> updates -> add AIA plugin

2. Add AIA.jar to Jdeveloper
Tools, Preferences, SOA and add <JDEV_HOME>/jdeveloper/lib/aia.jar

3. Add   Freemarker 2.3.15 or higher needed by AIA Service Constructor.
- Download Freemarker template engine from
- Put freemarker.jar (extracted from the downloaded zip file) in the jdeveloper/jdev/lib folder.

Ref :

Cheers !!

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Publishing BPM project to MDS

BPM is a process modeling technique and it requires collaborated effort from developers and business users to achieve an effective process modeling. BPM offers Composer UI for business users to validate and propose any changes to developers, here are simple steps to publish the BPM project to MDS to enable editing through Composer.

1.   In  Jdeveloper Create a Database connection  to the MDS database
    Resource Pallet -> New connection -> database connection

2.       Create new MDS Connection ,  SOA-MDS.

3.     Select partition as obpm

4.Go to View | BPM MDS Navigator, to open the BPM MDS Navigator.
    Open Configure Connection and choose the SOA MDS Connection just defined.
6. Select your project that you want to publish to MDS and select publish to MDS

7 . On the MDS window select –Public -> Create sub folder if needed and press OK.

That’s it the publishing is done.

Now open the composer and you can edit/publish the process


Login using the console admin or the user has admin access.

Open the project and the process you want to edit, it will appear as :

That’s it the composer will allow you to edit and publish simple changes. This can be used by Business analyst or process people for clarifying the BPM requirements.

Cheers !!