Use case : Use spring in Bpel to read,write huge files. Since default File Adapter works in Bpel memory this would be good for heavy lifting. I know we have options of java embedd and EJB, but since springs are considered as best java option I would like to explore this option.
1. Create a SOA Project , Composite.
2. Create a java interface that has method for reading/writing files :
method readWriteFile(String filename)
3. Create a java class that implements the IFileUtils interface for reading/writing files :
4. Now if you dont see spring option in composite , update the Jdeveloper with "Spring & Oracle WebLogic SCA" using help->updates.
5. Create a Bpel process that will invoke the spring.
6. Drop a Spring context in composite :
Name : FileUtilsSpring
Create a new context : FileUtilitySpring.
7. Open FileUtilitySpring.xml and add below lines of code inside the bean tag aftre the below comment
<!--Spring Bean definitions go here-->
<bean class="" id="Fileimpl" />
<sca:service name="test" target="Fileimpl" type="" />
The file should look like :
8. Now you should be able to wire the Bpel and spring component. It will generate the WSDL and load java classes, Composite should look like :
9. Add invoke to Bpel to add the spring context, assign required values
10. Deploy the code and Test in EM
This works great !!
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