Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Installing Oracle service registry

Oracle service registry is one of the usefull tool for SOA governance, here are the steps to install it.

1.   Use Weblogic 10.1.2, as the OSR version is, using the same version will not cause any   issue.
·         If we don’t use this then while opening the registry web , linking error and other error will come, the suggestion is to use Patch 9499508, however that again didn’t solved the error for me
-          Error 500--Internal Server Error org.idoox.wasp.WaspInternalException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Updates to config files not supported
-          registry: Error initializing servlet
-          Error 500--Internal Server Error
java.lang.LinkageError: loader constraint violation in interface itable initialization: when resolving method "com.idoox.wsdl.DefinitionImpl.getMessage(Ljavax/xml/namespace/QName;)Ljavax

2. Install WLS  10.1.2 and then use the same home for OSR installation.

3.  Use create schema option during installation, if you already have a Database setup normally if you are using the same database as for SOA

4.       If get error during re-install use option of connect to  existing schema
5.       The registry home should be inside wls home like
If this is not set the registry option will not show up while creating domain

6. After installing OSR , create/extend the existing domain.

7. In Jdeveloper create UDDI connection , give inquiry url as :

default port for OSR os 7101

To login :
user/pwd : admin/welcome1

8. To publish the service from Jdev , open the Application server navigation.
Create Business entity: my_uddi_business

- publish wsdl to buss entity , use admin account

- use the service end point from UDDI to create Bpel

If get following error:

java.lang.Exception: oracle.sysman.emSDK.webservices.wsdlapi.SoapTestException: oracle.fabric.common.FabricInvocationException: Could not lookup the service endpoint

from UDDI either due to a UDDI connection error or the provided

Remove user/pwd from EM enquiry url.

Best practice is to install OSR in a separate server than SOA , you wont get any issue. if you need SOA + OSR to coexist than need to apply the patch and modify the domainENV file.

A great post about how to use OSR in your composite application is here :

This works !!

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