Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Setting MDS for Shared artifacts

With lots of artifacts (xsd,wsdl,dvm,rules..) in an organization , its very important to have a proper repository to strore them . Oracle MDS is a light weight repository with inherit support for SOA . Below are the steps needed to have it set up . MDS facilitates reusability and also makes the code independent of services deployed on any server being down. The other major benefit of MDS is to have dvm,rules persisted to memory once the changes are done to these artifacts from soa composer.

Steps :
1. create seed folder inside the Integration folder
Inside seed-> apps
Here create project specific folders like :
LocalMDS -> xsd/dvm etc

This can be some other folder , like in source control like ADE/SCS :
WSH_MDS -> apps -> My_proj -> [xsd,dvm,rules,wsdl]

2. Copy the xsd, dvm inside the folders
Like in :
apps -> My_proj ->xsd
apps -> My_proj ->wsdl

3. Inside Jdev create connection for file based MDS
My_MDS  ->    MDS Root folder : C:\WSH_MDS\ This has to be one level above the apps folder

4. Use the artifacts wsdl,xsd,dvm from the MDS inside the SOA projects , dont copy the artifacts to project.

The usage should look like : oramds:/apps/My_proj/xsd/shipment_advice.xsd

5. The adf-config.xml will get updated as:
<namespace metadata-store-usage="mstore-usage_1" path="/apps"/>
       <metadata-store-usage id="mstore-usage_1">
       <metadata-store class-name="oracle.mds.persistence.stores.file.FileMetadataStore">
       <property value="C:/WSH_MDS/" name="metadata-path"/>
       <property value="apps" name="partition-name"/>
6. Deploy both MDS to server , use ANT scripts to deploy the MDS to server MDS.

7. Deploy composite to server.

Modification to referenced artifacts can be done directly inside MDS.

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